Wednesday, September 2, 2009

LID!! LID!!! LID!!! LID!!! LID!!!

We just got the call that we have a Log In Date of August 17th!!!!! Kurt and Jadon are at their second night of Karate, my sister-in-law Angela isn't home, my sister-in-law Christi isn't home and my parents aren't home and working on calling my in-laws! Where are you, people????? We've got a LID!!!!

Our countdown has officially begun. We are 16 days into our wait for LOA. We have been told previously to expect a 3 month wait. Although I get pulled in different directions, hoping that it comes sooner and knowing that it could be longer...I still rest in God's timing and find peace with this journey to our son.

We are able to send a care package to Jackson. We have also been collecting things to send to him. So far we have a Fisher Price camera that shows pictures of animals when you look through it and click to take a picture (it reminds me of a view master without the cards to put in), Sydney's and Jadon's favorite board book..."Goodnight Gorilla", 2 sign language board books, a disposable camera and a Sassy child's photo album that will have pictures of us. I will also be making a "night-night" blanket that is blue with monkey heads on it. I plan on spraying it with my perfume so that it can become a familiar smell to him. I also plan to put candies for his foster family. Can anyone think of anything else?

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

So glad I didn't have to make this a "Wordless Wednesday" !

Praising our Savior!


Mandi said...

Congratulations on your LID. I will be saying prayers that you hear something in less than 90 days.


Rachel said...

So excited for you as this is obviously a big step!!! Congratulations!